How to use the Sacred Oils

Using the Oils

Always approach the Sacred Oils with reverence, full presence and intention. The work with the oils is very profound.

Learn more: Working with the Oils.

Creating sacred space and sinking into a meditative state, prepare yourself to invite in the Sacred Oils you chose to work with. Respectfully ask for connection and meditate with it while inhaling its scent and breathing deeply and slowly. Continue this practice daily for as long as you need.

Don’t worry if you are new to this work, as the Sacred Oil's energy and vibrational frequency works on your unconscious and emotional body, as well as your magnetic field, there will be a shift in your energy, just pay attention and be present. You could choose to develop a relationship with the Sacred Oils by keeping a journal and using your "inner listening" to open up to any insight/message they may have for you in order to deepen your intuition and understanding, to support shadow work and self-discovery, to facilitate your healing, to stay allined and connected, expand your consciousness, have guidance in your life and walk your path in communion and co-creation with your Soul and with the natural principles of Creation.

With the easy and safe to use roll-on bottle, they can be applied on your chakras; at the centre of the palm of your hands for direct inhalation - sweeped around your aura (energetic field) or holding your hands on a specific part of your body to release blockages; rolled on as a therapeutic perfume; used for anointing and sacred rituals and meditation. You can carry them with you and use them when needed or use them in ceremony. As well as using them on yourself, they can be used on others especially to complement energy and spiritual work.

Veronica Nilah Massa

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