Working with Sacred Oils


Sacred Scents are redolent of the ancient past, history and traditions and reawaken in us the memory of our ancestors and original culture which is embedded in our DNA. They connect us to our interstellar nature, to the core of the earth and to the depth of our soul.

Sacred Oils are master teachers and healers of the light body and grant healing powers to the deepest levels of our Soul, to our physical body and our consciousness as a whole.

The work with the sacred oils is carried out in the spirit of profound contemplation, learning through self-discovery, direct revelation and ancient knowledge. The teachings require the basic foundations of integrity, pure intention and clean heart, egoless approach, deep respect, reverence and devotion. To work with the oils is to devote and commit to be in service, with love and compassion. Great responsibility is required as the oils are an ally, guide, companion and teacher but will not be a substitute for your own decision-making nor they will be used as an excuse to justify your actions. Sacred work is done in respect and service for the highest good of all. And with that comes the responsibility to speak the truth as it is, not as you would wish it to be.

Through the teachings we aspire to self-knowledge, esoteric knowledge, connection with Divine Consciousness and the understanding of Cosmic Truth. As the Sacred Oils have their manifold therapeutic properties, they also have their spiritual attributes, healing energies and sacred quality, and have been used for guidance, healing, rituals, celebrations and divination by very ancient civilizations and many cultures until today.

In the realm of Plant Consciousness we are recalled to our multidimensional nature and the intrinsic, ineffaceable correspondence between Celestial and Terrestrial, ethereal and material, macrocosm and microcosm, as taught by the hermetic teaching “as above, so below“, “as below so above”. Sacred Oils, the Soul Essence of the plant, exist in between worlds: they are energy and light manifested into matter. Their consciousness is Divine and multidimensional, they are a bridge between heaven and earth, between our human consciousness and the Divine intelligence, manifestation of the merging of duality into the unity towards which we strive. Highly evolved, their Spirit Medicine is in assistance to our spiritual evolution and have the potential to expand human consciousness to an understanding beyond the human egotistical mind in order to be informed from a higher intelligence, and be connected to the source of divine inspiration, knowledge and wisdom.

To work with the oils is to devote and commit to be in service to the Divine, to Spirit, to the Great Mother and to others, to be a vessel and a channel between realms. Be prepared to do your personal inner work for growth and self-discovery, to know yourself. So that human consciousness can remember its expansiveness in opposite to the contraction it is experiencing now, having been dominated by fear and control for a very long time.

Veronica Nilah Massa

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